Canada Finance

OAS and CPP September 2024 Payment Date – Only these people will get this, Claim Process

The Canada Revenue Agency will issue the next Old Age Security (OAS) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) payments on September 25, 2024. Eligible retirees, aged 60 or older for CPP and 65 or older for OAS, will receive their monthly benefits. Payments are issued via direct bank transfer or cheque, with cheques taking longer to arrive. Applications for CPP can be made online or at a Service Canada office, while OAS generally does not require an application.

By SVU News
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OAS and CPP September 2024 Payment Date: The government of Canada and the Canada Revenue Agency want to make the lives of people who have worked hard and provided their services a little better once they retire. Retirement can be a problem for people whose only source of income is the job and now they cannot work anymore. The Canadian government offers OAS and CPP i.e., Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan to eligible retirees of the nation. Under these retirement plans, retirees get a monthly pension to fulfill basic needs.

Beneficiaries are now looking forward to the OAS and CPP September 2024 Payment Date. The official website of the government of Canada holds the whole schedule which is used by the officials to transfer the payment. The schedule for Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan September payments is the same. Scroll down the following article and get details regarding the OAS and CPP September 2024 Payment Date, Claiming Process and more.

OAS and CPP September 2024 Payment Date

Please note that the payment date is the same but individuals might not receive the payment on the same day. The reason is that the mode selected by beneficiaries to get the payment will decide the time it will take to receive the payment. Payment received via Cheque usually takes longer than the direct bank transfer.

The payment date scheduled by the official for September 2024 is 25th September 2024. Please note that the Canada Pension Plan consists of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) retirement pension and disability, children’s and survivor benefits. Whereas, Old Age Security includes an OAS pension, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Allowance and Allowance for the Survivor. Read more details regarding the payment below.

OAS and CPP September 2024 Payment Date - Only these people will get this, Claim Process

Who will get the Old Age Security and Canada Pension Plan September 2024 Payment?

Individuals will have to fulfill certain conditions mentioned by the Canada Revenue Agency officials to become eligible for getting the OAS and CPP September 2024 Payment. Let’s take a look at the details of the required eligibility criteria:

  • Canada Pension Plan:
    • The minimum age of beneficiaries must be at least 60 years old or older.
    • They must make a minimum of a single contribution to the Canada Pension Plan.
    • The contributions must have been made either from work one did in Canada or as the result of obtaining credits from a former spouse or common-law partner.
    • If the beneficiary lived and worked in Quebec: The CPP and QPP are working together to ensure that every contributor is getting CPP benefits. Contact the Quebec officials if any of the following conditions apply to the beneficiary:
      • They have worked in Quebec and at least one other province/ territory, and are living in Quebec
      • Beneficiaries must have worked in Quebec only.
      • Beneficiaries must have worked in Quebec, currently live outside Canada and their last province of residence was Quebec.
  • Old Age Security:
CategoriesEligibility Conditions
For People Living Outside Canada1. Candidates must have resided in Canada for at least 20 years since they turned 18 years old.
2. They must have citizenship of Canada or be legal residents of Canada on the day before they leave Canada.
3. Individuals must be at least 65 years old or more.
Canadians working outside Canada for Canadian employers1. Individuals must have returned to Canada within half a year of completing the employment.
2. Applicants who are 65 years old while still employed and maintained residency in Canada when they were outside Canada.
For People Living in Canada1. Individuals must be at least 65 years old or more.
2. Applicants should be citizens of Canada or legal residents during the acceptance of applications.
3. Candidates must be residing in Canada for a minimum of 10 years since they are 18 years old.

$2800 Additional CPP September 2024 for Seniors: Check Eligibility

OAS and CPP September 2024 Payment Claim Process

Individuals who want to get benefits from the Canada Pension Plan will have to apply for the CPP as early as possible and during their employment period. These things will decide the amount of the CPP which will be offered to beneficiaries after retirement. Individuals do not have to apply for the Old Age Security. It is a very rare situation when the eligible ones have to apply manually for the program. The online application form for OAS and CPP is available on the Government of Canada’s official portal.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the authority release the next OAS and CPP September 2024 Payment?
The official payment schedule for OAS and CPP is the same. According to the same schedule, the officials will issue the payment on 25th September 2024.

Can I apply for the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security September 2024 Payment offline?
Individuals can visit the nearest Service Canada office to apply for the OAS and CPP benefits offline.

4 thoughts on “OAS and CPP September 2024 Payment Date – Only these people will get this, Claim Process”

  1. Will I get extra? We do income taxes together as a married couple..My husband gets 2 or three pensions..I get OAS and a tiny CPP..He told CRA that he is my caregiver and he is not, yet..I did qualify for a disability..through walking..


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